Monday, November 9, 2009
bedtime prayers
"Dear Jesus, God bless Babydoll as she sleeps."
Saturday, October 31, 2009
she loves her some Jimi
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
lookin' out for numero uno
I am beaming with delight. My fears of hours in the bathroom with nothing to show for it are long gone. I'm thinking that this kid could be a potty training genius.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
snow tease
Our second mistake was giving in when Zuzu said she wanted to wear her boots. Even though this was followed by "okay, honey, but we're not going outside," it translated in her toddler mind as "Yes, Zuzu, here are your boots. We'll have a glorious time outside in the snow."
Our third mistake was allowing her to put on her winter coat and mittens, again followed by "you can wear them but we're not going outside." To Zuzu, getting on her boots plus the winter coat AND mittens, despite the warning, meant "Mommy and Daddy are bluffing -- score! Outside to the world of snow we go!"
The kiss of death was actually opening the front door to look at the snow. And locking the storm door. It's just plain cruel.
Are you kidding me?! But I have my coat on, and boots, and mittens!
This is the end of the world, I tell you! Horrible! Tantrum! Tantrum! Tantrum!
We apologized. Even today she was still asking for her sled.
Monday, September 21, 2009
z's boots
2. Lean forward until head and hands touch ground.

Sunday, July 19, 2009
recent zuzu musings

Saturday, July 11, 2009
why we say our prayers
Ty: Zuzu went down to sleep really well.
Jenn: That's great. Did you say her prayers?
Ty: Yes.
Jenn: Did you remember "God bless our house and keep it safe and keep us safe in it?" I say that with her every night.
Ty: "No, I didn't pray that."
Jenn: "Uh oh."
Just after midnight.
Thunder! Rain! Boom! Boom! Jenn and Ty both jump up and run to the patio doors. They watch the rain outside. BOOM! CRACK! Biggest crash ever. White light outside and through the skylights. Darkness. Jenn and Ty each say they think the house was struck by lightning. Zuzu starts crying and her alarm clock, oddly, starts ringing. Jenn and Ty grab flashlights. Check the breaker box -- almost all the switches are flipped.
12:45 am:
Fire department arrives. Thankfully without a siren but with a very bright spotlight on the house. Inspection, infrared camera, confirmation that we were struck. Fire department leaves at 1:00 am.
2:00 am:
Jenn, Ty, and Zuzu go to bed together.
4:00 am:
Zuzu starts crying and wants Horsey and Giraffe. Jenn brings them into bed.
6:00 am:
Zuzu starts crying. Ty puts Zuzu in her crib. Delirious with sleepiness, she repeats the word "dinner."
7:15 am:
Ringing. Where is it coming from? Jenn goes into Zuzu's room and discovers it is her alarm clock again. Zuzu wakes and says it has "loud bings and bongs."
8:00 am:
Ty and Jenn start writing down all the things that don't work. This light switch, that appliance... An electrician's call is in order. Jenn groans when the garage door is added to the list.
9:00 am:
Call to contractor to uncover second sump pump line (just in case). Call to siding guys to put our gutters back up (just in case), which they took down the day earlier. Call to insurance company to make a claim.
Later today:
We will buy some lottery tickets.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
little people
Sunday, June 14, 2009
arts fest 2009
goin' with the flow
Around 2 pm the guys knocked on the door with news. When they dug a four foot deep trench the length of our driveway, water started flowing down it. It turned out a river was coming out from under our garage. I could not believe what I saw; Zuzu’s rubber duckie could’ve floated down the current of this thing. Down in the yard water started to bubble up through a newly dug hole. These were not good developments. A test by the city indicated it was all natural ground water; our house was built on top of a natural spring. A friend who works for the city confirmed a creek, which likely went through our property, ran where our street now stands. The whole area was wetlands. The developer filled in the creek and built our neighborhood.
With more drain tile added to relieve the river and a few extra truckloads of rock, the concrete was poured:
We had the fun of entering the house by walking a plank instead of climbing over the front railing. Ty carried Zuzu across it; I think Zuzu would’ve loved to walk the plank but we didn’t want to chance having a little impression of her rump in the concrete.
It’s still an eyesore outside but we are hoping the regrading (and topsoiling, and seeding, and patio rebuilding, and retaining wall replacing, and air conditioner reinstalling, and…) begins in the next few days? weeks? whenever the piles of dirt around our foundation have officially settled. Zuzu can’t wait to see the diggers in action again.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
diggin' it

As of today: new drain tile? Check. Rock? Check. Blackjacking? Check. A/C unit sitting cockeyed in the middle of the back yard next to a ditchwitch, a pile of dirt, and a couple of pallets piled with the stones that used to be our patio? Check. Toddler that wants to play in the dirt? You betcha. Next week: bring on the jackhammers, goodbye driveway.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
pop quiz
Saturday, March 21, 2009
los dientes
I warned Dr. Elliott's office that it could be tough: a highly teary visit to the peds clinic once prompted a physician to ask if she'd ever had a traumatic experience at a doctor's office. Zuzu doesn't seem to like people in masks, exam gloves, or lab coats. No sooner were we in the office door than she began asking about the "speshul ice cweam" casually mentioned in the parking lot (promise, this is the first time we've bribed her). Then she was concerned that the dentist would be a rabbit since that's what one of the framed cartoons in the waiting room showed (certainly confusing to a toddler), plus I had to explain that unlike the half-dressed rabbit which she duly noted, Dr. Elliott would be wearing pants. Thankfully the waiting room was empty during that conversation.
She and her dolly were really patient through the whole visit. She pushed the buttons to make the chair move and sat on my lap for the exam:

She got a cool new toddler toothbrush which she loves to use:

She gave the hygienist a five:

And then we went to the mall for ice cream. She was HAAAAPPPPY!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
walkin' around. neighborhood.
here are some recent pics of our walking adventures.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
yes, it is
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
perfectly beautiful

Saturday, February 28, 2009
kickin' it with the cousins

Saturday, February 14, 2009
valentine's day love
we are the luckiest people in the world, without a doubt!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
in our fridge

Saturday, January 17, 2009
from my babe's mouth
I was delighted to see that she had her children's Bible open and was looking at pictures from the story of Adam and Eve --- and was talking about Eve taking a bite of the apple.
Then she pointed to Adam and said, "Burp! Amen!"