Then I flipped her onto her belly for her evening tummy time. Lately she's been pushing up with her arms more until she gets so tired she tries to eat the blankie, which is what I anticipated she'd do tonight. She spent only about five seconds pushing up with her arms...
...and then to my complete astonishment she rolled over. She rolled over! Wahoo! I couldn't believe it. I don't know what surprised Zuzu more: the fact that she went from tummy to back all by herself, or my repeated cries of, "I can't believe it! You did it! You DID IT!" followed by an overdose of hugs and kisses. Of course I had to document her laying on her back too:

I was so proud of her that she and I went for a little celebratory walk up the street so that we could greet Ty on his way home from work. Zuzu had her little footsies up on the tray of her stroller, relaxed and looking on top of the world, when Ty pulled up and we announced that Zuzu had big news. Of course, Ty was awfully excited to hear about this latest milestone. She hasn't had a repeat performance (I'm sure she's just saving it up for another day) but now we can really say that she's our squirmy wormy.
1 comment:
What a cutie!! I know you both realize and relish the joy she has brought to your lives!! I miss her when I don't get to see her very often - and now you'll be gone for 2 weeks!! I can't stand it!!
Love, Grandma C.
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