Up until now, we've prided ourselves on the fact that Zuzu cries very little (of course, this must be genetic). Usually any problem involving tears can be rectified by a diaper change, a warm bath, or the old standby -- a good feeding from mom. So why Zuzu has been frantically crying the past two nights is a mystery. Around 7:30 each night she's started with a whimper and by 8 p.m. she's been at a full roar (and not just an "I'm upset" cry but more like "I'm in serious pain AND I'm starving AND I'm grumpy AND if you try one more thing to calm me down I will explode"). The past two nights have ended with us laying in bed with her around 9 p.m., one of us rubbing her back, and each of us softly and rhythmically saying "shhhhhhhhhhh...." in each ear. (I must admit the "shhhhh..." thing is so effective that Ty and I have put ourselves to sleep in the process. Thus, we've done zero loads of vacation laundry and our suitcases still are in the middle of the living room.)
Here's a pic of her (happy!) perched on a little Adirondack chair under the pines along the shore in Maine.
p.s. um, no thanks -- we don't need any unsolicited advice about calming a crying babe.
p.s.s. but she's cute even when she cries.
1 comment:
Love this picture!! She looks so relaxed and like she's saying, "whee, look at me! I'm on vacation!!" Sure wish Grandma & Grandpa C. could have been there to share the lobster dinners!!
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