Thursday, December 6, 2007

hang on

Hooray for a baby who likes to take a bath! On most nights, a rub-a-dub-dub is part of Zuzu's bedtime routine. While we've tried graduating to a bath seat, Zuzu still likes her blue baby tub; and we like it because her bath toys (a ruber duckie and a firefly) don't usually wander too far. She always tilts her head back when her hair gets rinsed (she takes advantage of this opportunity to try to lick any water that runs down her chin) and has yet to lay a giant poo in the tub. So in a nutshell, she's very cooperative when it comes to bath time.

Last night, however, instead of grabbing onto duckie or the firefly, she clung to the side of the baby tub for dear life (don't worry, she wasn't really in any danger). It cracked us up (the spinach she eats must be making her strong!).

p.s. Zuzu, if you see this when you're older, Mommy didn't pixilate your bum for the video. It's just so darn cute.

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