As if crawling wasn’t enough of a milestone, in the same week Zuzu started saying “momma”. Her second word (first was “ehwa” -- translation: “emma”). Ty has been very interested in this “momma” business. Initially I thought Ty was hard of hearing since after Zuzu would say “momma” Ty would say “dadda?”. Ty was reassured when Zuzu whispered “dadda” to him in the middle of the night without witnesses around. I will attest that I have heard this too, and I think it’s rather sweet that Ty gets his name softly whispered by her like she’s telling secrets.
1 comment:
I love hearing those first words... and enjoy having "momma" be at the beginning for Zuzu... Silas would always say it if I wasn't around... but he's only started saying it to me this month (and he's 22 months... that's a long time to wait!!). Now he knows how much I love hearing "momma"... and he knows how to use that to his advantage ;)
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