This week Tata started hinting around that Zuzu's hair is getting long in the front. Ty and I are both on the same page that we're not ready for that first haircut (she really doesn't need a trim yet) but things like haircuts still seem pretty big girl-ish. More like the kind of thing she'll do after age one, along with her first dental exam or getting her first tattoo.
Zuzu surprised us last night by opening one of the entertainment center cabinet doors. Tonight she did it again, and then made a beeline for the extension cord under the secretary in the dining room, furniture which I discovered has the perfect-sized opening to wedge a child's head. Hmm, how to childproof that thing...? Today she attempted to pull herself up in her pack-n-play at Tata's, a maneuver she also tried recently at home a few times using either the laundry basket or the excersaucer as leverage. We are just waiting to discover her standing in her crib holding on to the sides and unable to get back down, which we predict will happen in the middle of the night sometime, making it so much more of an adventure. We'll see!
In addition to clearly saying Emma and Momma, Zuzu has been saying Dadda a little more. She has perfect timing and says it when least expected, usually causing us ask each other what she just said. Zuzu now says Emma's name in the car when we're heading home from Tata's (does she know she'll see her?), when we walk in the door and Emma's waiting, and when Zuzu looks at a clay cat that's sitting in our living room. The clay cat now evokes lots of panting and hand-waving out of Zuzu since she gets so excited to get close to it.
Here's a picture of Ty and Zuzu dancing to Barry White last week. Who doesn't dance when they hear Barry White? Zuzu loved being dipped and whirled, and especially enjoyed watching Daddy's dance solo. Mommy enjoyed it too. ;)

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