Our beloved cat and family member, Emma, passed away in our arms this afternoon.
Emma joined our family seven and a half years ago after she was left during the night at the animal shelter. Once we met her she instantly became our baby and gave us immeasurable love and joy. We always said she was our firstborn. We couldn’t have asked for a better big sister cat for Zuzu.
Some of you know that especially over the past few months Emma had numerous medical complications. Then in early November she was diagnosed with diabetes and subsequently stopped eating. She amazed us with her strength and although we will feel an enormous hole in our little family, we are glad she is now at peace.
We will always remember when Emma would:
- snuggle under the covers with Ty on chilly mornings
- lick Jenn's hair during the night
- faithfully sleep with us every night
- nap in cuddle caves around the house
- lay in the windowsills in the summer
- perk up when she saw squirrels and birds outside
- get a sudden burst of energy playing with a toy mouse
- bat food and twist ties around the kitchen floor like a hockey player
- nestle under the Christmas tree every year
- cuddle up with us when we felt sad -- somehow she always knew when we needed some extra love
- be amazingly patient while Zuzu touched her, played with her food, or splashed in her water dish
Guys, we are so sorry to hear that Emma is gone. I'll never forget being over at the old house on Broadway doing the books, and she would lay on all the piles of checks trying to get a tummy rub. One day I heard what sounded like a little kid crying for help. After investigating, I realized that it was Emma!! Ha - good memories!! Losing a pet is so hard. You are in our thoughts. Love AJ and Kim
Ty & Jenn - sorry to hear about Emma. It's never easy to say goodbye to a family member. Our thoughts are with you guys...
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