Zuzu has been sick for the past few days. Poor kiddo. Just a virus but her first time officially being sick still felt like a milestone. Sometime last week she started an occasional dry cough (only I thought she was merely exploring this aspect of her vocalization and enjoying the attention). Late last week we noticed her cheeks were pretty red plus her nose was a little runny (but no fever), and chalked it up to spending time outside in the cooler weather. By Saturday she wasn’t quite herself and she began to look a bit speckled… hmm, we wondered if she was reacting to our laundry detergent. But by Sunday morning she had a croupy cough – out came the humidifier -- and her spotted appearance gave way to a definite rash. At one point she looked a little beat up between the rash and eyelids red from rubbing them and of course her relative patheticness melted my heart. She didn’t sleep well Monday night (which meant no one slept well) and didn’t have much interest in her cereal either. There was no going to Margarita’s on Monday or Tuesday (and I felt terribly guilty for not being the parent to stay home with her) but Ty enjoyed two full days with his girl.
I had just said to Ty at our lunch the other day, how healthy Isabella has been so far. Guess I broke the spell with that one, huh?
Hope she's feeling better, and back into her normal routine.
Love, Grandma C.
It's SOOO hard when our little ones are under the weather... which Silas is today- same kind of thing started yesterday...cough, watery eyes, running nose...
no nursery for us tomorrow!
Hope she's feeling better & that everyone is sleeping better!!
Poor Babe! Its hard too see Zuzu like that!
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