Wednesday, December 19, 2007
have you seen my elf?

Saturday, December 15, 2007
o christmas tree
good hair day
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
snow day

So, it’s been a snow day. No school for Jenn (hurrah, which we’d hoped for since Zuzu is sick, which means for the first time since going back to work, I can finally be the one home with her when she can’t go to Tata’s). We just regained power after a couple of hours which were spent a) trying to hear the backup sump pump kick in, hoping it would, since the basement is almost done; b) contemplating various ways the lack of power impacted us and the things we could and could not do (turn on the oven to bake cookies? no. run the space heater? no. plug in the Christmas tree and pretend we’re warm? no.) and lastly, c) trying to open a jar of baby peaches. You can even ask Ty, the latest batch of baby fruits are impossible to open. So Zuzu ate peas instead.
Happy snow day, everyone.
-- update --
So, I wrote the above post around
Jenn: we lost it twice for about two hours. And guess what, each time it went out I heard a comic book-like “zzzaa – zzzaa – zzzzzzuh” and then bam! no lights.
Ty: really? But you have it back now?
Jenn: yeah, and I’m hoping it…
----zzzzaa….zzzaaa….zzzzzzuh ---- darkness.
And that’s pretty much how things were until about
Between Zuzu and myself we wore two sweatshirts, two shirts and one fleece; three pairs of pants, one pair of long underwear pants, three pairs of socks, one pair of shoes, a stocking cap and a hood. I imagined my dad saying, “start putting on layers, it’s going to get cold” so that’s exactly what we did. I’m not banking on the power staying on, especially since we’re supposed to get more sleet, but for now we are well-lit and toasty.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
hang on
Last night, however, instead of grabbing onto duckie or the firefly, she clung to the side of the baby tub for dear life (don't worry, she wasn't really in any danger). It cracked us up (the spinach she eats must be making her strong!).
p.s. Zuzu, if you see this when you're older, Mommy didn't pixilate your bum for the video. It's just so darn cute.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
that's entertainment
Monday, November 26, 2007
a nap? are you joking?

wire zuzu

Thursday, November 22, 2007

it was a good thanksgiving, indeed!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
tootsie roll

big mess
Okay, so you can see there are piles of things everywhere that came from downstairs. Mattress propped against the dining room wall, stacks of things, boxes, lamps, displaced dining room chairs, etc. When this is all over I am going to have to post a video of our house when it's together just to prove we don't live like packrats. But I admit, that is a lot of laundry; however, in our defense it was laundry sorting time and without the laundry room the sorting happened on the living room floor!
Emma was boarded (jack hammering sounds can be scary). I came home from work to find big barrels of concrete chunks in the driveway ready to be hauled off, and a thick layer of concrete dust coating the walls and floors downstairs, clinging to every object in our garage, and sneaking upstairs despite the plastic barrier. We were thrilled to turn the furnace back on in the wee hours of Friday morning after our first clean up attempt while wearing masks and goggles – that stuff is nasty -- although more rounds of cleanup remain. What a project! We are really crossing our fingers that in late November, three and a half months after the flooding, that this whole thing can be done and the house can be back to normal.
One good thing that came out of this is that we discovered we have hardwood stairs in the house. A neighbor tipped us off and after prying up not one but two layers of gross carpet and chiseling away disintegrated carpet padding, we found a little treasure, or at least great potential, in our entryway stairs! See, didn’t we say that the wet basement would mean a house project that grows exponentially? Maybe we’ll table working on the stairs until the spring. Now I’m itching to see what lies beneath the living room carpet (besides more carpet).
Monday, October 22, 2007
october 22nd

Sunday, October 21, 2007
sunday morning nap
Friday, October 19, 2007
fall trip
this year, jenn and i have become tour guides to our newest october traveler (zuzu), pointing out all of the places we've enjoyed visiting in the past. today, we made it to the main attraction - starved rock state park. riding in a backpack carrier, zuzu took it all in with a smile.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
emma & zuzu
Zuzu has recently taken an interest in Emma (who, even though she's a cat, is frequently reassured she will always be "our baby"). Emma often makes a good target for Zuzu to reach for when she's on the floor, and Zuzu can be seen wriggling in a variety of ways in hopes of getting a quick touch. Emma puts up with it for a little while before becomming indifferent (or annoyed). Seeing the two of them hang out on the floor together usually makes us chuckle, since they are close in size and sometimes both rock from side to side while on their backs. Notice how they both have their bellies "exposed" in this video (and Zuzu scratches hers), always a good sign of being relaxed!
Sunday, October 14, 2007

And if getting new carseats wasn’t exciting enough for one weekend, Zuzu’s first tooth broke through on Saturday night (see teething ring in picture above). She had a fabulous attitude the past few days despite teething. It had been waiting below the gums teasing us for a while, until early on Saturday we exclaimed “there IS a tooth there!” and relieved we hadn’t imagined its imminent presence. Sure enough, Sunday morning it was finally free. Now we are eager to see it grow as it pushes up and becomes more visible.
This weekend we continued to ready things for the basement waterproofing work that will be tackled around Halloween. Yesterday we hauled out the contents of our storage room, sorted and organized items into tubs, and moved things into the garage. It kind of felt like we were moving! Today Ty conquered our deck by removing boards in preparation for the new sump line going out of the house. Inside there’s still baseboard to be taken off, another closet to empty, blinds to take down, vinyl to peel up, work for an electrician…ugh. We’re not quite ready to contemplate how much work will remain once the contractor finishes... and we haven’t told Emma yet that she’ll need to be boarded while the work goes on, poor kitty. But thankfully all this is happening before Zuzu will be crawling and after it’s done the downstairs will be dry and recarpeted – hooray -- and the guest room at “Chez Jenn & Ty’s” once again open for company ;)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
sweet baby

Monday, October 8, 2007
diaper magic
Monday, October 1, 2007
homecoming parade

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
news from the homefront

On an unrelated note, last night we met with the contractor to remedy the problem that caused a very wet basement in August. Remember how I said that having our basement flood would turn into a house project that grows exponentially? The foundation of our house says welcome, Mr. Jackhammer and hello Mrs. Drainage System! How lovely to meet you, Miss Backup Sump Pump! Make yourself comfortable, Madame Exterior Drainage Line! We’re thinking that removing the contents and shelves from our storage room is going to be loads of fun (note overtones of sarcasm), but not nearly as exciting as pulling up part of our deck (anyone have experience with this?).
p.s. we’ve really appreciated some of the recent comments – zuzu likes knowing that people read her blog!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
queen of the castle

Look who finally has a high chair! Eating rice cereal AND oatmeal these days certainly calls for proper seating options for our little babe. We have never before been so excited about something largely vinyl and plastic in our home. Zuzu seems to like her new perspective and we really enjoy no longer squatting on the floor to feed her in the bumbo. But she did look awfully cute in that, too.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
under the weather

Thursday, September 6, 2007
ninja dad

When we got home from the party, I spotted a creepy-crawly on the vaulted ceiling in the kitchen and mentioned it to Ty. I think my, ahem, distaste for bugs has created an instinctual reaction in him, because with ninja-like stealthness Ty flung one leg up and lept onto the kitchen counter and started to reach a Kleenex up in the air. With un-ninja-like intuition, he didn’t recognize the ceiling fan whipping around with a 100 watt bulb glaring out like a beacon that says “I’m on!”. If it wasn’t for the spike in his hair, he would’ve never felt the fan blades graze against his head, which caused him to duck and gash his lip on the top of the cabinets. I’m pretty sure the spider was laughing inside as Ty cried out to the cabinets for getting in his way. If you see Ty, please commend him for his heroic attempts at saving his poor wife and innocent baby from the spider in the kitchen.
And today I ran over a squirrel while taking Zuzu to Margarita’s house. I think tomorrow we’ll buy a lottery ticket in hopes of bulking up Zuzu’s college fund.
Monday, September 3, 2007
rice cereal
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
these days

Sunday, August 12, 2007
miss easygoing
Later, Zuzu ran errands with her dad while I spent some time at work. I pictured Ty trying to juggle Zuzu in the carrier and a cart full of groceries to bag as not a simple task, but once again Ty proved me wrong! I’m not sure if the two of them worked out a little deal a while back, but every time Ty is on baby duty Zuzu winds up sleeping. Ty seems to have the magic touch with her!
Tomorrow is a pretty big day: Zuzu has her four month appointment (more shots), plus participation in a psychology research study (don’t worry, no electrodes are involved). This ought to lead to some good stories – stay tuned!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
more vacation pics!

we had such a great time in maine with zuzu and have the pictures to prove it.
see some of them here.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
the swimming incident
Click To Play
p.s. ty was such a good sport about it that he gave me the thumbs up to put it on the blog. out of respect for him i promise to not ever mention it again (um, at least publicly). for the record, he said there was a big rock.