Monday, April 9, 2007

cards of congratulations - part 3


Dear Jenn and Ty,

Congratulations! (see front cover for full-color word) I can't wait to see Isabella!

Dear Isabella,

Welcome to planet... Earth! You come in peace (we hope).

P.S. ga ga goo goo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Isabella,

I know you will be called Zuzu, but Isabella is such a beautiful name, and we hope Mommie & Daddy don't mind if we call you that once in awhile..... We so much enjoyed catching up on real Grandma and Grandpa time yesterday. You were wide awake for a good half hour after you were fed, and we got to hold you and watch you move around. Your eyes followed Grandma when she talked to you and you seemed to enjoy Grandpa's whistling. Your pretty eyes still have a dark blue cast to them, but we think they will eventually turn brown like Mommie's. Your little rosy cheeks are filling out so nicely and pretty soon you will also be filling out your 0 - 3 mos. clothes! What a joy you are to all of us! Love, Grandma & Grandpa C.