Sunday, September 23, 2007

why i normally don't drink caffeine

almost midnight, in our bed...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Funny! What in the world got her goin' at that time of night? She looked wide awake and ready for anything...

Unknown said...

Thats MY cousin. And I have never seen ZuZu that hyper!You would think that she would be exited to see me,and my 2 other sisters.And Jenn, I advise you to NEVER drink caffine again if you ever want to get a good night sleep again.

Anonymous said...

Hi im Maddie's sister in law. (joined in puppy in relations) So Jenn & Ty technically I'm your neice! Well I suggest that: NO CAFFEINE FOR YOU IT TASTES BAD I TELL YOU! I have tasted it. UGH! Well i got to go, Bye